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Property – Mortgage Brokers Auckland http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz Tue, 14 Jul 2020 07:54:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.6.29 Are Auckland’s New Property Valuations Too High? http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/are-aucklands-new-property-valuations-too-high/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/are-aucklands-new-property-valuations-too-high/#respond Fri, 21 Aug 2015 08:39:31 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=31 Auckland property owners received their new property valuations in October, with many homeowners predicting that the increased values will send their rates bills sky high. Which leads to the question as to whether or not the property values in Auckland are too high? With hours to go until the closing of the official objection period, […]

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Auckland Has Top Ten Most Expensive Sales In 2014 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-has-top-ten-most-expensive-sales-in-2014/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-has-top-ten-most-expensive-sales-in-2014/#respond Thu, 20 Aug 2015 13:09:34 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=29 For a grand total of $69.6 million, ten of New Zealand’s most expensive properties were sold in Auckland during the year. In contrast the top ten property sales outside of Auckland sold for a total of $33.02 million. The majority of these properties were purchased by Company directors from both New Zealand and overseas. Ten […]

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Auckland Housing Accord Outshines RMA http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-housing-accord-outshines-rma/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-housing-accord-outshines-rma/#respond Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:48:37 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=11 The Auckland Housing Accord is doing much more for the Auckland housing shortage than the Reserve Management Act (RMA) has ever done, according to the Property Council upon the release of the latest report from the Government and Auckland Council. Agreed upon in 2013, one of the main goals of the Auckland Housing Accord was […]

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Four Costly Mistakes When Buying Your Home http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/four-costly-mistakes-when-buying-your-home/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/four-costly-mistakes-when-buying-your-home/#respond Thu, 20 Aug 2015 12:22:34 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=5 Purchasing a new home is a very exciting time for buyers. Unfortunately some buyers are overpaying for their property, which makes it so important to go into a home purchase with set limits and decisions in place to avoid spending more money than you needed to. So here are four costly mistakes to avoid: 1. […]

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Things To Do If Paying Your Mortgage Gets Tricky http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/things-to-do-if-paying-your-mortgage-gets-tricky/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/things-to-do-if-paying-your-mortgage-gets-tricky/#respond Mon, 10 Aug 2015 12:54:21 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=13 Paying your mortgage is not one of the favourite things to do with our money, but it is essential if you want to stay in your home. That’s why most of us have sorted out the budget and keep money aside ready to pay the bank. Unfortunately unexpected surprises can happen and sometimes cause financial […]

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New Homes Being Built In Record Numbers in Auckland http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/new-homes-being-built-in-record-numbers-in-auckland/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/new-homes-being-built-in-record-numbers-in-auckland/#respond Sat, 08 Aug 2015 08:44:26 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=37 November 2014 saw the highest number of building consents being approved in more than seven years, with 2420 residential consents issued. With 1946 houses and 474 apartments being approved, more than 70% of these were within the Auckland or Canterbury regions. Auckland has most new apartment consents approved Land strapped Auckland seems to have found […]

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2015 Interest Rate Predictions http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/2015-interest-rate-predictions/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/2015-interest-rate-predictions/#respond Fri, 07 Aug 2015 08:42:01 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=35 During 2014, interest rates dropped and remained at record lows. The Reserve Bank has suggested that they will begin to raise them this year, but many financial advisors have predicted that they will stay the same. So what will 2015 really bring for interest rates? The Official Cash Rate, currently 3.5%, is set by the […]

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New Special Housing Areas Announced For Auckland http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/new-special-housing-areas-announced-for-auckland/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/new-special-housing-areas-announced-for-auckland/#respond Thu, 06 Aug 2015 13:07:50 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=27 Four new Special Housing Areas have been announced for Auckland, bringing the total throughout the country to 100. These new areas will allow for a total of 145 new homes within the suburbs of East Tamaki, Beach Haven, Three Kings Quarry and Woodhill. Special Housing Areas were established to fast track some of the processes […]

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Surprise Interest Rate Drop Possible http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/surprise-interest-rate-drop-possible/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/surprise-interest-rate-drop-possible/#respond Thu, 06 Aug 2015 08:40:56 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=33 Financial advisors expressed shock recently when the Reserve Bank suggested that interest rates may be dropped during the coming year. After having stated that interest rates will remain the same or higher due to an overheated Auckland and Christchurch property market, the Reserve Bank may instead play a part in heating it further. However financial […]

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Auckland House Prices Reach New High http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-house-prices-reach-new-high/ http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/auckland-house-prices-reach-new-high/#respond Wed, 05 Aug 2015 13:06:27 +0000 http://www.mortgagebrokersauckland.co.nz/?p=24 Home sellers in Auckland are celebrating the new record high average asking price of $750,023, which has assisted by the inventory (the time it would take to sell all the housing stock on the market) which dropped to a record low of just nine weeks. With a 2.4% jump on the previously high asking price […]

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